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Fleet Admiral Bundle “JS Yamato Aegis”

Fleet Admiral Bundle “JS Yamato Aegis”

A concept design for the modernization of the legendary Japanese battleship Yamato from World War II. The modernization provides installation of the latest equipment for effective naval combat taking into account modern threats while keeping the main caliber guns on board. The deck with catapults for launching hydroplanes has been converted into a helicopter landing deck, 2 unique hypersonic missiles "Type 12 SSM" are pre-installed on board, all secondary caliber guns and autocannons have been replaced with modern weapons. The battleship is equipped with an extremely effective 5 “JHLA” lasers for short-range defense and 2 “RIM-162 ESSM” long-range missiles. The battleship is among the most powerful and efficient ships, easy to realize damage and forgiving of many mistakes. Extremely dangerous to the enemy at any range.


武器類型 禮包
上傳日期 2023年10月
