Keeping your online accounts secure is important and because of this, Modern Warships developers have introduced a new account protection feature in the new update: Security Code.

Enabling this feature brings extra security to the game by protecting sensitive functions like selling items in the in-game shop or performing Artcoin Market transactions.

It is not on by default, but you can navigate to the settings and enable it under account settings. You will be prompted to add a 6-number security code.

When the security code is set, the game will remember it for the next 30 days. However, if you try to perform a sensitive action on an unknown device, the game will prompt you for the code before proceeding.

Keep in mind that entering the code wrong three times in a row will prevent you from entering it again for 24 hours. During this time, performing Market transactions is blocked, along with selling equipment in the shop.

The developers will inform you via email regarding all important actions related to your account, for example setting the code, changing the code, when entering the code has been blocked, and when you log into the account from a new device.

In case you forget your security code entirely, you can contact Arstorm support at , they will help you in order to restore access to your account.