Author Archives: joppuyo

What’s new in the Modern Warships November 2022 update? Latest game items available on MW Stats
While the Modern Warships November update (v0.56), also known as Hidden Threat, doesn't add many new features to the game, it is packed with new ships, weapons, and a new drone for players to...
Map changes in Modern Warships 0.55
The Modern Warships October update brings many changes to six maps featured in the game. The reworked maps feature added cover and updated spawn points. This will hopefully reduce cases where you...
Modern Warships October 2022 update: MW Stats has been updated with the latest data
The October update Spirit of Columbia for Modern Warships (v0.55) brings a new voiceover and updates to map geometry and spawn points in the game. In addition to this, there are plenty of new...
Modern Warships September 2022 update: new items added on the site
In addition to the new Frank Klepacki soundtrack and upgraded water graphics, the new Modern Warships September update Dashing Blaze (v0.54.0) also features a bunch of new ships, weapons, and...
Modern Warships beginner’s guide: useful tips for new players
Modern Warships might seem like a simple game at first but it features a number of surprisingly complicated mechanics. In this article, I will share a few tips that new players will likely find...
CHAMP missile review
CHAMP stands for Counter-electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project. It's a type of missile developed by the United States that is capable of flying over enemy terrain and using an...